Thursday, 23 May 2013

UPDATE: Video + Photos Of Terrorist Attack As A Man Is HackedTo Pieces In Woolwich London

crashed car used to run down the soldier

One of the attackers
The scene was like something out of a movie when two Islamist terrorist butchered a man until he was in pieces and then waited till the Police arrived in Woolwich South East London. They hacked at the man as if he was a piece of meat until the Police arrived and shot both of them. The victim was a soldier and the two men chanted 'Allahu Akbar'. After the killing one of the terrorist with bloodied hands crossed the road holding a machete and meat cleaver spoke into the camera saying the act was done because the British soldier had killed muslim people in muslim countries. The terrorist pictured above has now been identified as Michael Adebolajo .Continue to see the video

We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting until you leave us alone. Your people will never be safe. The only reason we have done this is because muslims are dying by british soldiers everyday. we must fight them as they fight us, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I apologise that women had to witness this today but in our lands our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your Government they dont care about you. Do you think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start bursting our guns? Do you think your politicians are going to die? No its going to be the average guy like you and your children so get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops so you can all live in peace.
Witnesses said the men had first used a car to run over the soldier before using their machetes and meat cleaver to dissect him just yards from the Royal Artillery Barracks in woolwich. Soldiers have now been advised not to wear the uniforms off base and the Mayor also urged Londoner's to go about their normal duties. watch the video of the man ranting:
culled from The Telegraph and the

Below is the account of a friend of mine Orok Duke who is in London right now and wrote this on his facebook page:
  Orok Duke:
 "The blood soaked hand man depicted is not a Nigerian, but his accomplice is. This heinous crime happened in front of my tenant who live in my property at Wordsworth House, Woolwich Common, Woolwich. Opposite my property, is Queen Elizabeth Hospital and to the right is the Royal Artillery Barracks Woolwich. It's just a stone throw to where this unspeakable horror took place. It happened at exactly 14:40 hrs on Wednesday the 22nd of May. My tenant was returning home from the Woolwich library housed near Tesco's supermarket. Two terrorist rammed a lone soldier down at Wellington street, off John Wilson street with their own vehicle. Immediately, the two terrorist rushed out of their car and ran towards the injured soldier, they pulled the soldier to the main road on Wellington street. At this point in time, people thought it was just an ordinary car accident and the two terrorist where trying to help the injured soldier. One of the terrorist brought out a cleaver and started chopping off the head of the soldier while the other terrorist scream out "Allah Akbar" People immediately realise that this is no ordinary accident, it's something out of the ordinary. Tensions were high, most people fled the scene. A brave passerby brought out his phone and then called the police, the other terrorist brought out an old rusty revolver pistol and threaten to shoot the passer by while the other terrorist continued to chop and decapitate the head of the soldier. At this junction, the terrorist who hacked the soldier to death walked across the road to make this short video clip statements. The armed response police later arrived and shot the two terrorist."

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