Monday, 3 June 2013

Don Jazzy Rewards A Fan N100.000 For Retweeting His Tweet

Award winning producer, song writer and singer Don Jazzy did something to wow the fans over the weekend by doling out N100,000 on Twitter. The money was mearnt to be a reward for a fan @B1millions for retweeting one of his tweets. Although Don Jazzy has 479,045 followers, he is trailing behind wizkid who has 610,743 and Dbanj who has 537,239 on the social network. Continue for more on this, (singing)too much money hehe:
He updated his handle with a tweet update that had only a single dot(.) and no other message. many of his followers may have classified the tweet an error but not B1million who retweeted it exactly 2 mins after the post. Jazzy replied immediately by saying B1million was the first to retweet the post and then announced the N100,000 reward. To show that he was serious he asked him to post his account details online immediatly which the latter did. A few minutes later the happy fan wrote thanking him. See the tweets below:

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