Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Picture Story - Check Out World Leaders At The G8 Summit

 Check out world leaders at the G8 summit the greatest political shindig ever, and it held at Lough Erne in Northern Ireland. I wish I was that one powerful looking woman standing amidst all the men. I can see Barack Obama ( looks like he was the only one smilling in the pix), Putin (isn't he the one getting a divorce? I understand he also had a face lift - plastic surgery, how vain can a leader be huh) David Cameron, Francoise Hollande, Shinzo Abe ( chinchong man) Angela Merkel looks fetching in lemon, eat that Michelle Obama somebody else got it etc.More as you continue:

Putin is the man on the left with the very tight facelift, no wrinkle hmmm may be hair planting will follow after the summit. Obama and David (see as I dey call their first names lol them sef know me nah, we are all at the top) look relaxed but don't forget there is a Syrian war with Russia on one side of the bloody conflict and North America and Britain on the other, so the discussions are on the surface. Obama and Putin hate each other  so there is a seeming unease among them

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