His personal doctor Dr. Andrew Smith said he is recuperating for now but is advised not to embark on any long distance journey for now. The doctor assured those who went to visit him that the governor is not suffering from memory loss and can stand, eat and move around unaided. Asked why the governor would not be allowed to return to Nigeria immediately, the doctor replied that it would be unwise stressing that it is normal to allow him stay in his house for a while, for the medical team to access him. The governor's wife thanked God for healing her husband and said her door is open to all who wish to see the man. ( we thank God with you o maam, to take care of twins alone no be beans)
My take:
If the governor is well why not allow him answer questions for himself? The doctor kept jumping in to speak for him. I dont knw why they are in such a hurry to "package" this man and send him to Nigeria. Plane crash is serious business and nothing should be rushed. I'm aware that some people lost their lives in this crash. It will be wise for this man to be fit first, instead of leaving feet first! If Y'Adua had gone for his medical treatment long before he finally went he would be President still. Is his deputy not filling his shoes well? Nigeria and the problem of politics - it must be a do and die affair Msheeeeew.
We thank God for him and pray that it is not the same situation as that of Yar Adua. May God continue to srenthen him.