Friday, 21 June 2013

Update On The Baby Born In The Toilet Of Obafemi Awolowo University

Authorities of Obafemi Awolowo University say the 400year old student Oyinlola purported to have tried to flush her baby down the toilet did not do so. The truth of the matter they explained is that there was a delivery of a baby boy by an inexperienced mother, who in her naivety thought she was answerng the call of nature while she was actually in labour pains. Prior to the appearance of the baby, the young, inexperienced mother had discovered she was bleeding and went to the toilet only to obesrve that somethng expelled into the water closet. It was at this juncture she screamed  for help when her friend Satope Oladayo heard her voice and traced her to the toilet from their room and found the baby. Satope was the one who called the elderly cleaner for help because they both did not know what to do. As at now the mother is breastfeeding the baby. The father of the child is also a 400level student of Mechanical Engineering in the same university. (well done o bros eku mechanics!)

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