Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Incredible Photos Of A Female Body Builder With Muscles Never Seen Before!

Iris Kyle is Miss Olympia as well as Miss International IFBB Pro Body builder. Built like a brick she has the most incredible female bodies I have ever seen. I wish more women will build up and beat the crap out of all the wife batterers out there. That will teach them a thing or two hehehehe. Can we hire her maybe? I can imagine her picking up my ex like a fly and flinging him across the floor... Oh the pure joy of imagining his screams of "please don't beat me please I beg you, I will never raise my muscle less thin arms against any woman again" keeps sounding like music to my ears. I can dream na hehehehe. Wey the breasts sha? More incredible photos when you continue..
Photos from:WEW FB PAGE

1 comment:

  1. I think she has a beautiful sexy physique so shapely strong powerful she is beautiful I wish there were more women with muscle it is beautiful


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