Tuesday, 20 May 2014

500 Juju Powered Men Waiting For Military Approval To bring Back The Abducted Girls

Traditional hunters armed with home made guns and poisoned spears and amulets have gathered in hundreds and are eager to use their juju skills to help find the abducted girls. Between the ages of 18 to 80 all 500 have been waiting for two weeks in Bornu to get backing from the Military.
With cow horn trumpets and echoing eerie war cries that can send shivers down the spin. These men were selected by their peers for their spiritual powers twirl around and stab themselves with no apparent harm. They also have herbs and other substances wrapped in leather pouches. with cowrie shells, animal teeth and leather bracelets they say they are impenetrable to bullets. They claim they are not saying they are better than the soldiers but they are laying claim to knowing the bush better. They say they have reached the end of their patience and if the government is not ready to use them then they will disband. What does this portend for Nigeria? Strange happenings in this country of ours.


  1. Hmm. Waiting for two weeks...

  2. For out of cowardice and shame on the part of military and the Govt, they will not approve this noble natural traditional fighter. Knowing fully that if they succeed it would dent the credibility of Nigeria arm forces .

  3. fake news..source..

  4. This is amazing! So, why have they not been responded to? We need help, we need our girls back and we need every assistance possible to bring them home. I must admit that i am puzzled at this wondering how potent their claimed power is.


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