Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Ghanaian Bishop Accuses T B Joshua and Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Of Being Occultic

The Ghanaian Bishop you picture on the far left is Isaac Owosu-Bempah of Glorious Word Power Ministeries International Church and he has accused T B Joshua and Pastor Chris Oyakilome of being occultists and winning souls for the devil. Two things he says convinced him of this claim, firstly, God showed him in a revelation and secondly through his own analysis of scripture. He claims that Pastor Chris is now in South Africa because of his occultic ways and in T B Joshua's case he saw him in spirit worshipping God with his feet on the ground and any man of God who worships with his feet on the ground is occultic.That is the part I dont get and he did not explain. Are you meant to be worshipping upside down? Just asking. More as you continue:

If you go to any church and see a Pastor worshipping with his feet to the ground, he is occultic. Sometime ago I used to like T B Joshua, I was watching him on TV when the Lord opened my eyes and I saw him with horns on his head and he had the face of a wolf. His tongue was that of a snake and he had blood smeared all over his mouth. I immediately rushed into my room that was when God told me he was working with bad spirits and I realised he was demonic and occultic and not of God.
Bishop Owusu who has himself been labelled an occultist by his critics also accused T B Joshua of faking miracles. A junior Pastor from his church went to synangogue for healing and was forced to sit on a wheel chair and made to testify that he had received his healing even though he had not, only for him to come back from Nigeria and die within 2 weeks of his return. He cautioned Ghanains not to be fooled that what they watch is not true and that any pastor from the church who reveals this is killed immediately. He labelled T B Joshua the 'antichrist'. He concluded by saying;
I know of a pastor who attended his church, and when he should tell you what he saw, your mouth would drop.
culled from:DailyStar

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